Cultivating Virtual Friendships on Discord: A Comprehensive Guide for People with Agoraphobia

Discover how to grow a network of friends on Discord. This comprehensive guide offers detailed tips for individuals with agoraphobia to create and engage in a friendly and supportive virtual community.


5/14/20231 min read

Screenshot of Discord's sign-up page
Screenshot of Discord's sign-up page

Discord, the popular communication platform, can provide a lifeline for individuals with agoraphobia. Its text, voice, and video features offer numerous opportunities to connect with people around the globe from the safety of your own space.

Getting Started on Discord

To start, you'll need to create a Discord account. The process is simple and requires only an email address. Once you've verified your account, you can begin to explore the vast world of Discord servers.

Joining Communities

Discord is made up of countless "servers", each one akin to a small community centered around a specific topic. These topics can range from video games and hobbies to mental health support and everything in between.

Engaging in Conversations

Once you've joined a server, don't hesitate to introduce yourself and engage in conversations. Most Discord servers have designated channels for newcomers to say hello.

Creating Your Own Server

When you're comfortable, consider creating your own server. This can be a space for you to invite new friends you've made, or to start a community around a topic you're passionate about.


Discord offers a unique opportunity for those with agoraphobia to form friendships and connections without the need to leave their comfort zone. By joining servers, engaging in conversations, and perhaps even creating your own community, you can cultivate a rich social life within the virtual realm of Discord.